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Onion skin dye should be made from the outer, dry skins of yellow onions (for traditional onion skin dye). Do not include any actual onion pieces. Save these until you have a lot of them (at least a "generous" handful), and then cut them up into small pieces. Put the onion skins into a pot, and add just enough water to cover them. Use a glass or wooden stirrer (not metal). Heat the mixture to a low boil, and then cook until the water reaches the desired color. Onion skins will produce anything from a light gold to a deep reddish-brown color. This could take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. Keep in mind that the color of the eggs will be much lighter than the color of the dye solution. Strain the mixture, after it has cooled, though a cheesecloth or strainer into another container. DO NOT add vinegar. Store in the refrigerator in a closed glass container until needed. (The dye may stain plastic containers.) When dyeing, you will need to bring the dye back to room temperature before using. Dyeing natural dyes takes much longer than with chemical dyes (which dye in minutes, if not seconds), so be prepared to wait a while. Also, natural dyes do not last very long (although refrigeration swill prolong their effective life). If the dye begins to smell funny or get cloudy or moldy, throw it out.

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Q: How do you prepare onion skin dye for pysanky?
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What kind of egg shell is used for writing Ukrainian pysanky?

Most pysanky are written on chicken eggs, as those are the most readily available ones. Pysanky can be written on just about any type of bird egg, although some work better than others. Goose eggs are popular, as they have thick shells and take the dye well. Duck eggs are lovely and translucent, but can be difficult to dye. Ostrich eggs need preparation to dye, and many hours of work, as they are quite large. Turkey and quail eggs need to have the outer coat, with its brown spots, before they can be used. Pysanky have been written on more exotic eggs, too-swan, emu, parakeet, etc. The eggs of smaller birds are often much more fragile and do not dye well.

What is the best natural dye?

To make natural dyes, you can use a number of plants. Some of these plants include onion skin, acorns, cherries, and blueberries.

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To prepare henna plant dye, you need to crush henna leaves to make a paste. Add warm water and lemon juice to the paste until you achieve a yogurt-like consistency. Let the mixture sit for a few hours to allow the dye to release before applying it to your hair or skin.

Who sells the largest selection of Pysanky dyes?

Any acid aniline-type dye can be used to dye pysanky. You can buy acid dyes meant to dye wools and silks from many distributors on line. Some carry large numbers of different dyes. Dharma and Jacquard sell 52 and 40 colors each; other suppliers may have even more. Several individuals and small pysanka supply companies have blended colors and repackaged the dyes into small packets, with just enough of the powdered dye to make about 1.5 cups of liquid dye. They include: Pysanky Showcase sells about 40 colors of dyes. The Ukrainian Gift Shop sells 17. Egg-cessories and Surma each sell 13. Wax Art Supply sells 31. Quite frankly, there are more colors out there than any one individual can really use!

Are there special paints for pysanky eggs?

Pysanky are not made with paints, they are made with dyes. In earlier times, pysanky were dyed with natural (and usually botanical) dyes mades from flowers, onion skins, grasses, bark, etc. Today most pysanka makers use chemical dyes of the same sort used to dye silk and wool known as acid dyes (often referred to as aniline dyes). They are quite different than the dyes (food coloring) used to dye the traditional monochromatic Easter eggs (Paas, etc.). These dyes can be purchased from craft stores (some) and pysanka supply sites. You can also purchase powdered dyes meant for wool or silk, and mix them up by adding about half a teaspoon to a cup and a half of boiling water along with a tablespoon of vinegar. See the link below for more information on dyes and other pysanka supplies.

How do you dye your foot?

the dye in a tiedye kit will stain your skin for a while

Can food coloring be used to dye skin?

yes... it can be used to dye skin but it isn't permanent, it is only temporarily, but it works!

Is rit dye harmful to skin?

yes it can burn and irritate skin...

What kind of eggs dye the fastest?

Color has little to do with how fast eggs will dye. The speed of dyeing depends on the quality, strength, acidity and chemical composition of the dye. More concentrated dyes will dye faster. More chemically compatible dyes (acid rather than alkaline) will dye faster. In the past, eggs were colored with dyes made from natural substances: berries, onion skins, grasses, bark. These dyes worked very slowly, sometimes taking an hour or longer to dye an egg. Today, modern chemical dyes are used instead. Food-grade dyes are used for making eggs that will be consumed. You can increase the strength of these dyes by adding a little bit more vinegar, by adding another dye tablet (e.g. Paas), or by adding several drops of liquid food coloring. The strongest egg dye colors can be obtained using aniline dyes, which are NOT food-grade. Eggs dyed with aniline dyes SHOULD NOT be eaten. These dyes act the most quickly; most will act within minutes, and some will give the desired color within seconds. You must pay close attention and keep an eye on your eggs when using these dyes. The Ukrainian art form of decorating eggs with wax and dye to create "pysanky" traditionally used natural dyes, but today most practitioners of the art use aniline dyes. Pysanky are not meant to be eaten; they serve talismanic and decorative purposes. You can find out more about pysanky by browsing the category "Pysanky Egg Art" here on Wiki Answers, which is found under Hobbies and Collectibles/Arts and Crafts.

Dye vaginal skin?

you can't its fine the way it is.

Is there a product to prevent hair dye from dying your skin?

I use Vaseline. I put it on my ears and shoulders and forehead before dying. and it helps prevent getting dye on your skin

Can blueberries paint an egg?

Blueberries, or an extract of blueberries, can used to color eggs, but the color does not last. It quickly fades and turns a gray color. It is not a commonly used natural dye for making pysanky, but might be useful for ordinary Easter eggs.