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In the first instance, whilst you're working to decide, or are awaiting an appointment with your women's health centre, consider looking at these options:

Implants: Nexplanon or Implanon - a slightly larger that rice-sized caplet that is placed beneath the skin.

The Patch: Ortho Evra - it looks like a plaster or 'band-aid'

The 'Jab' - Depo-Provera; an injection you receive several times a year.

The Sponge - a mini-doughnut shaped sponge. (good to use with condoms)

Vaginal Ring - Nuva Ring

Carvical Cap - Femcap


IUD - inter-uterine device

What's good for one person may not be good for another. You have the ability to choose what suits you and you're body best.

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Q: How do you prevent pregnancy when no longer taking the contraceptive pill?
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Do antidepressents like prozac drugs alcohol or anything else have any affect on the pill also when does it start working as a contraceptive?

Yes, alcohol may effect you if you are taking prozac. Prozac is not a contraceptive and will never prevent pregnancy.

Can taking two birth control pills in one day help prevent pregnancy?

No it will just mess up your horomone balance

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No, it does not prevent pregnancy. It would be extremely foolish to use this as a method of contraception.

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Usually you have your period at specific times when taking birth control. If you have concerns, take a pregnancy test.

Can four birth control pills make you have a miscarriage?

Once a pregnancy is established, no. The pills can only prevent pregnancy ( though they are not 100% effective) if given the time to saturate your bloodstream and taken daily to prevent pregnancy. Taking the pills, if you haven't been taking them to prevent pregnancy, will not cause a miscarriage. I suggest going to a doctor.

If you get your periods after taking contraceptive pill is there any chance of pregnancy after that?

It is highly unlikely but is possible. If you are worried then on the day your normal period is due take a HPT.

Does folic acid prevent pregnancy?

no-you should be taking it every day when trying to conceive to prevent birth deffects

Can you end a pregnancy after taking two iron tablets from the contraceptive pill after eleven hours after sex?

Birth control pills and/or iron tablets do not cause abortion.

Do you need to stop taking the pill to get pregnant?

Yes. The pills main purpose is to prevent pregnancy.

Does taking marijuana seeds prevent pregnancy?

NO! That is ridiculous! Use a condom...

Can you stop a pregnancy after 3 days?

You can prevent a pregnancy by taking the morning after pill up to 5 days after sex. If you already are pregnant there is only abortion.

Should you avoid taking kalonji if you are trying to conceive?

I guess because it's a her used to prevent pregnancy