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A paperclip cannot rust because rust is the oxidation of iron or steel as a result with interaction with water or air. Therefore a paperclip cannot rust because it is made out of iron or steel. It is made out of aluminum.

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Lvl 5
3y ago
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Dewitt Abbott

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3y ago
awsome thanks!
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Bobby Witting

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thanks for your answer
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Lvl 5
3y ago

A paperclip cannot rust because rust it is the oxidation of iron or steel as a result with interaction with water or air. Therefore a paperclip cannot rust because it is made out of iron or steel. It is made out of aluminum.

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Osbaldo Fadel

Lvl 1
3y ago
I'm not sure about that...

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1d ago

To prevent rust on paper clips, store them in a dry environment to avoid moisture exposure. You can also use rust-resistant paper clips made of materials like stainless steel or vinyl-coated. Additionally, keep paper clips away from water or humid conditions to maintain their longevity.

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Wiki User

11y ago

cover it in nail clear-coat

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Q: How do you prevent rust on paper clips?
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Do paper clips rust?

Paper clips are made from low carbon steel then plated with solution to prevent rusting. If you want to test this sand off the side of a clip and hang half way it in a glass of water or coke and you will see rust in a short time

Will lemonade cause paper clips to rust?

Yes. Lemon has acid content and when metal gets into contact with it, rust will be formed.

Will varying temperatures affect the amount of rust on a penny nail needle or paper clip when submerged in different liquid environments?

Well , A penny is copper and therefor will not rust but corrode . Many paper clips are fake metal and will not rust either . But yes it will effect it .

How many paper clips are in 1 mole of paper clips?

It is not possible to give an exact number of paper clips in 1 mole since mole is a unit used for counting atoms or molecules, not larger objects like paper clips. However, 1 mole of paper clips would contain Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23) of individual paper clips.

What is used to prevent rust?

zinc is used to prevent rust.

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paper clips

If a paper clip weighs approximately one gram estimate how many paper clips will be in a 0.5 kilogram box of paper clips?

Since 1 kilogram is equal to 1000 grams, a 0.5 kilogram box would contain 500 grams of paper clips. Therefore, there would be approximately 500 paper clips in a 0.5 kilogram box.

Why do you do tinning?

do tinning for wire to prevent rust do tinning for wire to prevent rust

When was Paper Clips Project created?

Paper Clips Project was created in 2004.

What would be heavier a pound of bricks or a pound of paper clips?

paper clips

How long would a chain of one million paper clips be?

10 paper clips is 7.5 inches, so 7.5X100,000= A million paper clips

What are paper clips made out of?

paper clips are usually made out of steel wire. Some are made out of plastic.