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uh-gen.......that's how!

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Q: How do you pronounce again?
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Do again and insane rhyme?

If you pronounce again "uh-GAIN" then yes, they do. If you pronounce it "uh-GEN" (hard G) then it doesn't rhyme with "insane."

Is again how you spell it or is it again?

The correct spelling is again (repeated action). A few dialects pronounce it agin.

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JA-ON _ Oh Cal again

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The non-word "oopsididitagain" is pronounced as the standard phrase "Oops! I did it again."

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Phonetically, Ka[ short a ] lee- fa [short a again ].

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No, vain and again are not approximate rhymes. Approximate rhymes have similar sounds but are not an exact match, while vain and again do not share significant sound similarities.

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How do you pronounce embarrassing?

em-BEAR-is-SING. em as in ember. bear as in...well, bear. is as, again. sing as in sing.

How do you say till we meet again in Russian?

You can say "До встречи" in Russian, which translates to "Till we meet again."

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In English, it is pronounced: mer as in merchant say as in Say it again, please. deez as in diesel The accent is on the second syllable.

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Is maileigh a popular name?

No, not at all! I can't even pronounce that name, but then again i live in the U.S. so it might be a different story somewhere else.