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Thing you'll need A napkin or tissue A mom or dad water Okay first ask your mom or dad to come near you. Get a napkin or tissue. Grab your tooth with the napkin slightly pull. NOT TO HARD! If it dosent work by you pulling ask your mom or dad remember don't pull to hard. As soon ask it out get the water and drink it fast. Make sure its cold. It needs to be cold so it feels like ice is going down your throat and near your gum and the blood will absourbe with the water. I am almost a dental assisnat so be careful. Things you'll neeed: Warnings: A napkin A mom or dad water

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14y ago
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14y ago

this is what i did, i tied a piece of dental floss to it and gave it to my brother. hes pretty sqeamish and it wuz loose enuff for him to just tug and it came out! its easier to hav someone else do it cuz if u try to u mite chicken out. hope this helps!

By the way That isn't my story I found it on the internet



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11y ago

eat a milky way it pulled my tooth out!! and it didnt hurt!

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12y ago

if you have Tootsie Rolls eat one and your tooth will stick to the tootsie roll

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13y ago

Try using Orajel to help numb it up if the tooth is already loose. If it isn't lose, go to a professional.

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13y ago

If you want to pull out a tooth that is really loose just PULL on it lightly and suck on it at the same time, that's how I pulled out all 9 of my teeth.

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13y ago

wait until it is really loose, and then yank it out.

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12y ago

Wait till it is just hanging out then just pull it . there will be no pain and more of a scene of relief

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Q: How do you pull out a loose tooth without any pain?
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How do you take out a loose tooth that is silver without pain?

Put your nail under the tooth and pull it up and it will get looser and keep doing it and it will come out

How do you pull out a tooth?

Without pain: if you want to pull out a loose tooth with no pain, this is what you do. Wiggle your tooth back and forth and up and down. If it doesn't come out then, take a Kleenex and put the Kleenex over your tooth. Pinch your tooth really hard and pull it out. It wont hurt.With pain: if you want to pull a loose tooth out with pain (if you don't really mind), this is what you do. Wiggle your tooth for about 10 minutes. Take some pliers and pinch the tooth. Gently pull out the tooth. It usually doesn't hurt. This is the classic tooth-pulling strategy.I hope you guys get your money from the Tooth Fairy! *wink* Bah-bye, now!

How do you pull a tooth pain free?

the best way to pull it pain free is to focus on something else very very tightly (as in you are not paying attention to anything else) and have someone pull the tooth out. works only with loose teeth... -KayserDragon

How do I tie dental floss around a tooth?

Make a knot with normal dental floss around the loose tooth. Slide the loop up the front and back of the tooth as high as you can. Pull the floss ends or have your child pull the floss if they want. The tooth should pop out of the mouth without any pain if done correctly.

How do you lose a tooth with no pain when it is not that loose but hurts?

first push it real hard then the other side and then pull it hurts when u push it but then the pain is gone

How do you pull a kinda loose tooth out?

If the tooth is very loose, just pull on it with toilet paper, if it is ready it will come out without pain. if it comes out hold a paper towel or toilet paper over the hole until bleeding stops.

What Should Myself Do With My Loose Tooth?

pull it out

How do you pull a tooth out wihout pain?

Take a cold wet wash cloth and just squeeze your gums under the loose tooth and you might have to pull up a little but it doesnt hurt sometimes you dont even realize that it cam out.

How do you pull a tooth with minimal pain?

to get a tooth extracted with minimal pain you need to go to your dentist and get it removed surgically

What do you do when you ave a loose tooth?

Pull it out or just leave it alone.

How do you get a wobbily tooth out?

You have to pull it when it becomes loose enough with some instrument.

Do you need to pull the second molar tooth if it is loose or it will come off itself?

no you will have to go to a dentist because it will really pain you if you pull it out and it cant come out by itself its so unlikely i had to go to the dentist for mine too