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infectious is an adjective. You use it to modify a noun- as in an infectious disease or an infectious laugh. Build your sentence around your subject and verb, then use modifiers to enhance or clarify meanings.
She's an ambitious young researcher who hopes to discovery a cure for a majority of the world's Infectious Diseases.

He's a very likable child with an engaging smile and an infectious laugh.

Many infectious diseases can be prevented by washing with hot water and soap.

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The infectious laughter of the child spread throughout the room.

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How could you put the word infectious into a sentence?

The doctor said I had an infectious disease.Hope this helps :)

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Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that kills thousands of people each year. Kim has an infectious smile.

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The infectious laughter of the children spread throughout the classroom, brightening everyone's mood.

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I hope that your candor is as infectious as your smile!

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