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1. Begin with the wide end on your right and extending about a foot below the narrow end of your tie.

2. Bring the wide end of the tie over the narrow (right side to left side).

3. Bring the wide end underneath the narrow end (left side to right side).

4. Bring the wide end of the tie over the narrow again (right side to left side).

5. Bring the wide end of the tie through the back of the loop (left side to center).

6. Hold the front of the knot loose with your index finger; pass the wide end down through the loop (created in step 4) in front.

7. Remove your finger and tighten the knot.

8. Hold the narrow end of the tie and slide the knot up to the collar.

9. TADA!!!!

--Funkin Socks

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Q: How do you put on a tie?
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tie it the right way round, then turn it backwards. or else tie it on yourself loosley and then put it on the other person who cant tie the tie It's a long story but me if you are really really interested! I'm an expert at tying ties as so!