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Sulfuric acid neither burns or causes a fire.

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Q: How do you put out a fire caused by sulphuric acid?
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Does copper oxide fizz when it's put in sulfuric acid?

Yes, Copper oxide does fizz when it reacts with Sulphuric Acid

Has anybody tried to put corrosive acid sulphuric acid and a chunk of jelly into a beaker and put it over a bunson burner?

yes, moustache mans friends-

What salt will be made when gold metal is put into sulphuric acid?

nothing, gold does not react at all.

Has any body tried to put corrosive acid and sulphuric acid and a chunk of jelly into a beaker and put it over a bunson burner?

yes, mustache mans friends who don't want to be mentioned.

Can toothpaste have sulphuric acid?

No, toothpaste does not contain sulfuric acid. Toothpaste typically contains mild abrasives, fluoride, foaming agents, and flavoring agents to clean and protect teeth. Sulfuric acid is a strong mineral acid that is not used in toothpaste due to its corrosive nature.

What is a fire worker?

a fire worker helps the fireman put out the fires that were caused from the bombs that were dropped by the germans! a fire worker helps the fireman put out the fires that were caused from the bombs that were dropped by the germans!

Why do soda acid fire extinguishers not put out oil fires?

Most of the contents of soda-acid extinguishers (which are obsolete and completely illegal in the USA) is water. Water and oil don't mix well. The water may actually spread an oil fire as the flaming oil expands across the surface of the newly created puddle of water or as the oil is splashed in all directions by the force of the spray. Soda-acid extinguishers can also be hazardous to operate even to fight the type of fire they were designed to fight (wood or paper fires) due to the fact that they contain a jar of sulphuric acid. As the user must invert the extinguisher first to dump the sulphuric acid into the sodium bicarbonate solution in the body of the extinguisher there is a chance that if something is wrong with the extinguisher or the user holds the nozzle wrong at that moment, he might get sulphuric acid on his skin or clothes!

What does concentrated sulphuric acid do to a dead body?

Concentrated sulphuric acid can dissolve organic material, including tissue, by breaking down proteins and fats. It can cause severe chemical burns and tissue destruction upon contact with skin, making it a potentially damaging substance to a dead body.

What type of fire should you put powder on?

If it is a fire caused by petrol, use powder to extinguish it.

What salt will be made when gold metal put in sulfuric acid?

Gold metal does not readily react with sulfuric acid to produce a salt. Gold is a noble metal and is resistant to corrosion by acids, including sulfuric acid.

How do you make a major homemade explosive?

Get nitric acid+sulphuric acid+glycerin then add to a bowl of porridge oats so that it soaks up all the liquid.Then get some thick paper and put some of the nitroglycerine

What are the causes of fire?

Humans have deliberatly caused forest fires, or they may have camped and forgot to put the fire out. but in coniferous forests it may be caused by lightning