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first of all, its spelled coma. and take a coke can and hit the back of your skull with it. takes you out pretty fast.

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Q: How do you put yourself in a comma?
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Related questions

Do you put a comma after the word that?

You put a comma every time you take a breath. You most likely would not put a comma after the word that. To see for yourself, say the sentence aloud and see if you stop to take a breath. Hope this helps!! :)

Do you put a comma before naming a state?

No! You don't put a comma

Do you put a comma after is?

Comma after what?

Do you put a comma before or?

The comma goes after.

Do you need a comma after otherwise?

you do not have to put the comma there

How many times you space before a comma?

Do not put a space before a comma. Put one space afterthe comma.

Do you put a comma after a punctuation?

No. A comma is a punctuation mark.

Do you put a comma before or after a conjunction?

You typically place a comma before a conjunction when it separates two independent clauses. If the conjunction connects two words or phrases, a comma is not necessary.

Do you put a comma after of?


Do you put the comma after but?


How many spaces after a comma?

Put one space after a comma.

Do you put a comma before but?

The best guide is to put a comma when there is a short gap between the words when spoken.