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The only ways we can voluntarily control the level of cholesterol in our bodies are with the way we eat and the meds we take.

Most control is done involuntarily, by our enzymes and hormones. For example, when the enzymes that break down LDL don't work well, we get too much LDL building up in our blood. (LDL is often called "bad cholesterol.) These are affected by genetics: if your parents have high LDL and subsequent strokes and heart attacks, you are at risk, too!!!

It used to be popular to eat less cholesterol to lower the amount in our blood, but it turns out, that for most of us, if we eat less then our livers compensate by making more! And if we eat more, our livers make less. Why would our livers make such horrible stuff anyway? Because cholesterol is a necessary part of every cell wall in our bodies, and is also critical in protecting our nerves and keeping minerals in our bones (preventing osteoporosis).

LDL levels are lower (and HDL, "healthy" cholesterol, is higher) in people who eat less saturated fat, are at a healthy weight (or have lost some poundage), don't smoke, eat plenty of fiber and not too much sugar and alcohol. AND exercise regularly. But we all knew that.

The good news is that eggs (high cholesterol) are good for us to eat again, and that oils (apart from the calories making us fat if we use too much) are healthy, too. Any fat that is liquid at room temperature (about 70 fahrenheit) is mostly UNsaturated, the healthy type.

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A high quality fish oil supplement will reduce your LDL levels.

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To raise LDL levels, eat more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet (or supplements).

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You can lower LDL cholesterol by eating healthy and exercising often and some doctors will put you on a cholesterol med to lower it quickly and to keep it steady.

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Q: How do you lower LDL cholesterol?
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What is a healthy cholesterol level for everyone?

There are different types of cholesterol, LDL and HDL. HDL is the good cholesterol, the higher it is, the better it is for you. LDL is the bad cholesterol, which meant the lower it is, the better for your health.

What fats help lower cholesterol?

Unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, Lowers your bad cholesterol LDL

What foods help lower LDL cholesterol?

Diet and Exercise are the best way to naturally lower you LDL. Some foods that can help are whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods with excess fats.

Cholesterol that is known as LDL is known as what?

LDL stands for "Low-Density Lipoprotein," but those words don't really mean anything to people besides doctors. All you need to know is that LDL Cholesterol is BAD CHOLESTEROL.It's HDL Cholesteral that is GOOD CHOLESTEROL. Remember: H for Healthy, L for LOWER IT. The higher your LDL Cholesterol is, the worse off you are health-wise.

Is ldl cholesterol in chicken?

Ldl is cholesterol, and can be found in chicken skin.

What types of fats help lower blood cholesterol?

Unsaturated fats typically is associated with lowering "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and raising "good" cholesterol (HDL)

What are the differences between HDL and LDL cholesterol?

The low-density lipoproteins transport cholesterol from the liver to specific cells and the high-density lipoproteins remove excess cholesterol from the body cells and return it to the liver where it can be excreted in bile.

Do you need LDL cholesterol to survive?

Cholesterol is made naturally in your body. Your body will always have LDL cholesterol.

What does cholesterol treatment do?

The primary goal of cholesterol treatment is to lower LDL to under 160 mg/dL in people without heart disease and who are at lower risk of developing it

What should the normal cholesterol levels be?

Normal total cholesterol is below 200 mg, and normal LDL cholesterol is in the 100-129 range if you aren't at risk of heart disease. LDL levels will need to be lower if you have heart disease risk factors.

How can my grandmother lower her LDL?

If you would like to lower your cholesterol try avoiding saturated fats and eat more fiber. Eating fish can also lower your cholesterol. Cheerios will also do the trick.

What can patients do to change the levels of LDL and HDL in their blood?

If you want more HDL or LDL, eat more high-cholesterol foods and don't exercise. If you want less, then eat foods with less cholesterol and exercise. You may also take a statin drug to help lower your LDL. HDL = good cholesterol, by the way.