

How do you refresh your page?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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you refresh the page by pressing the f5 or by clicking the two little arrows

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Q: How do you refresh your page?
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How do you refresh the page?

You can refresh the web page by the thing below.By clicking the F5 function key orBy clicking on the Refresh symbol in the Web Browsers task bar ( The one with two arrows pointing at one another in a circle. )

How do you refresh a JSP page?

by using the meta tag <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="5(duration in sec)">

How do you refresh a page?

Click on the refresh button which is mostly located next to the address bar on the top of the page and looks like a blue arrow, mostly 2 arrows making a circle. to make it easier, you can also press the 'F5' button on the top of your keyboard.

What does add to CL mean on Evony?

"Add to CL" will save the coordinates of that location to your Coordinate List. You will have to refresh the page to see them in the list. The Coordinate list can be found by going into the map, and clicking on the name of the city next to the coordinate box (It defaults as your city name). Using the coordinate list will automatically locate your saved coordinates on the world map.

How do you write login and logout code in php?

Have a session_start(); at the very top of the page in php like this: <?php session_start(); ?> Then write a login form: <form action="login.php" method = "POST"> <input type = "text" name = "username"> <input type = "password" name = "password"> <input type = "submit" value = "submit"> </form> now start a new page called login.php. Put session_start(); at the top of the page again. Now you'll have two different $_POST variables from the form that got submitted. It's $_POST['username'] and $_POST['password']. the "name" of the input is what the $_POST variable is. And it's a $_POST because of the method of the form. Now you should change the names of the $_POST just to make it easier. <?php $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; ?> Now it's time to see if that username and password are in the database <?php $mysql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'"; // Select statement to find user $query = mysql_query($mysql); // Query to see if user exists $result = mysql_query($query); // Result for query. Should be either 1 or 0. if ($result != 1) { ?> <script> alert ("That username or password doesn't exist"); </script> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content = "1; URL = index.php"> <?php // Javascript alert saying that username or password was wrong then loading the page back to the main page. } else { $_SESSION['username'] = $username; // Setting the variable for the username so now you can use $_SESSION['username'] anywhere on your website to display who is logged in. } ?> You have to put session_start(); at the top of every webpage though. Now for the logout. Create a page called logout.php. You can link to this page however you'd like. All you need for this page is: <?php session_destroy(); //destroys the current session <meta http-equiv="refresh" content = "1; URL = index.php"> //Reloads the page back to the index.php ?>