

How do you remove a coca cola stain?

Updated: 5/20/2024
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16y ago

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This is a tough one. Try Tide To Go (though do not use this on clothes that are not to be bleached, e.g. wool, gray colours, etc.). If that doesn't work, try purchasing some pretreater; apply it to your stained garment(s) before your run it in they laundry. If that doesn't work, the stain should eventually start to blur out as you wash it in the washing machine. Please note that Coca-Cola stains are bad motherf*ckers; next to blood, tomato, and turmeric stains, they are the most difficult to remove from clothing. If you're lucky, Tide To Go should remove FRESH Coca-Cola stains without too much trouble; but besides that, there isn't really much hope (especially if the stain is on a white garment).

Here's something that I do whenever I get a FRESH stain on my clothing; upon realizing I have the stain, I isolate it on my shirt, while NOT TOUCHING the stain, and run a strong stream of water across it. This should remove the stain before it has time to be absorbed into the garment; touching the stain, or attempting to "wipe it away" will only cause the stain to be absorbed into the article of clothing, further enhancing your problem. Try the method I described above, and if you still notice a stain, try finishing the job with Tide To Go.

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2w ago

To remove a Coca Cola stain, mix equal parts of water and vinegar and blot the stain with a clean cloth. Then, apply a mixture of detergent and water onto the stain, let it sit for a few minutes, and blot it again. Rinse with water and repeat if necessary.

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