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Clean cold water and mild soap (e.g. Woolite) never hurt anything, not even a wool rug.

After cleaning, get one of those enzyme solutions from the pet store designed to bond with molecules in urine. Apply this substance to the area; this will suppress the linger smell of urine that the dog would otherwise continue to notice for a long time--by getting rid of these molecules, the dog won't have the scent association with that spot as a place to pee.

You can train a dog not to pee on a rug by serving the dog's food on that spot for a week or so. In the dog's mind, this area then becomes part of it's "den," and it will be less likely to pee on that spot since dogs have a strict innate separation of places to eat and sleep and places to eliminate.

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Q: How do you remove dog urine from a wool rug?
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How do you make a braided wool roving rug?

A braided wool woven rug is made from clean wool, that has been formed into a yarn, then woven into a rug. The first step in making a woven wool rug is to decide how much wool is needed for the final project.

How do you remove old and new dog urine from a berber rug?

carpet stain remover. They have this new carpet thing where it comes with a blacklight so you can see where hidden urine is, and where it seems to be, you spray the stuff on it and it goes bye,bye. :)

Pet odor on wool rug?

You can use baking soda and white vinegar to remove pet odor from a wool rug. Sprinkle the baking soda and leave it overnight. Vacuum the rug and then spray with white vinegar. Leave set for 30 minutes and then vacuum again. You can now spray with a product such as Febreze.

How should I clean my hand weft wool rug at home?

The best way to clean your wool rug would be to get a good rug cleaning solution such as rug cleaner made by Rug Doctor. It works well on all types of rugs. Just read and follow the instructions carefully.

How to get rid of dog urine on rug?

I understand, resolve carpet cleaner works real well.

Where can a person buy a wool area rug?

You can purchase a wool area rug online from the Home Decorators website. Alternatively, you can purchase these rugs from retailers such as Overstock, Amazon and Wayfair.

What is a good wool rug cleaner I could use myself?

Can someone suggest a good carpet cleaning wool rug care solution? Maybe something I can use on my own?

What brand makes yarn for rug wool?

I would use a washable, sturdy yarn, in a bulky weight, so that the rug would work up faster.

How much does it cost to dry clean wool area rug?

I just got a quote of 350 due to my rug having a hole in it were my puppy urinated and caused the area to be eaten by the acidity in the urine. The rug has to be resized to removethe hole losing about a foot off. i only paid 500 for the rug...:( But i love it sooo much that I am taking the time to have the professional do it for me verses storing it away in a bag

Are wool rugs soft?

Yes, if you get a good quality rug.