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I'm usually using nail polish remover or clear alcohol (vodka). Nail polish remover is more efficient but one has to be caferul, because it can remove color as bleach. It is good to check it first.

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Q: How do you remove gel ink stain from clothes?
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From my studies i have found out that milk is a solvent for ink ,I therefore, can conclude that milk can be used to remove ink stain.

What is the chemical used to remove Parker ink stains and how it works?

As an example, acetone dissolve ink stains (liquid ink, gel, ballpoint pen paste). The effect is greater if the stain is recent. Note that the acetone can dissolve also the dyes of a textile material.

How do I remove ink stains from ink pens?

Ink stain removal depends largely on the type of surface it is on. If there is ink stain on clothing, it is best to dilute it out with rubbing alcohol while the stain is fresh. For deeper stains, a stronger product such as oxiclean will need to be used.

How can acetone remove ink stain?

acetone is in your nail polish remover

How do you remove writing ink stains from clothes?

There are 3 types of ink that can be washed away:Washable ink- it's almost too easy. Washing it in hot water should get rid of the stain.Ballpoint ink. This inks has a waxy component, rub it with detergent before you wash it in hot water.Any other ink- you may not be able to get it out. Pretreat it, rinse it out, repeat. If the ink stain is fading, wash it in hot water. If the ink stain hasn't budged, consider using bleach.

How to remove ink from clothes?

You can remove ink from clothes by applying a good stain remover to the stain as soon as possible. Allow the stain remover to work for a few minutes before washing the clothes in a hot laundry cycle.

How do you remove ballpoint ink ink stain from shirt?

Soak the stain with rubbing alcohol and blot with a clean dry cloth. Once most of the ink is gone spray the remaining stain with a liberal amount of pre-treater and launder as normal. That should take care of it.

What are the stain properties of ball point ink?

Very hard to remove from any fabric.

How do you remove an ink spot from cotton cloth?

wash the entire garment, by hand, in brake fluid, brushing ink stain to remove ink completely. Then wash in brake fluid cleaner. Then wash normally.

How do you get ink stain off eyeglass lens?

Try anti-bacterial gel, the kind you use to clean your hands. Rub on stain, allow to sit for a few minutes and rub with soft cloth.

What is difference between ball-pen and gel-pen?

ball pen is ink. gel pen is a gel-like ink.. but not ink itself.