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Simply wash it with warm water and some dish soap and it will remove it blot dry.

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Q: How do you remove liquid bandaid from carpet?
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How do you remove sick smell from carpet?

You can either remove your carpet and add a new one, or wash the carpet

Should you remove a carpet stain right away?

Of course, do you want a stain in your carpet? If it's a liquid, egt a damp cloth and dab, then rub, if a solid has stained the carpet, get some stain remover or some hot soapy water and scrub.

What is the main chemical in most liquid carpet cleaners that makes it remove carpet stains?

depends on the stain really. there are many household cleaners that can do just as good a job. ammonia, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide.

How can you get hot chocolate out of carpet?

First dab the spill with a dry towel to get as much of the liquid up as possible. Then, use either tonic water or water with white vinegar in it to try to remove the rest of the chocolate and liquid. Repeat this process with a clean towel, dabbing up the excess liquid until nearly gone. Then, use carpet cleaner and a towel and flip the towel every hour with more carpet cleaner. This happened to me!

How much does it cost to remove carpet?

It depends on how big the carpet is.

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Take blood out of carpet?

There are a few options to remove blood from carpet. Cold water is one method, cold water mixed with liquid dish washing detergent is another, and a tablespoon of ammonia mixed with water is a third method.

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What is the best way to remove carpet stains?

How to remove a carpet stain would depend upon what the stain is. The best way to remove a red wine stain is actually to pour white wine onto it and then blot it up.

Remove denim stain from carpet?

Stains from carpet cannot be easily removed with plain water. Stain remover/ carpet cleaner is necessary in order to completely remove it.

How do you remove carpet glue from the top of carpet?

You can use a spot remover, but it might be better for the carpet, kids, and pets if you use a carpet steam cleaner that uses hot water. This will melt the glue and remove it easily.