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I'm assuming you mean *duplicate* not replicate. Replicating refers to having the same data on multiple machines for either performance or backup issues. The following solution is for duplicating a table. I'm by no means a MySQL genius, but I've worked with MySQL for a while. If you have PHPMyAdmin installed, the easiest thing to do is go to your table, click Operations, fill in "copy table to..." If you don't have PHPMyAdmin, the easiest way I can think of is using mysqldump, editting the dump file, then importing the table: > mysqldump -p DatabaseNameToGetFrom TableName > SomeFileName.dump > pico/ee/edit/vi/emacs/YourFavoritePlainTextEditor SomeFileName.dump Use a find and replace on the old table name and change it to the new tablename, save it, exit the editor then run this command: > mysql -p -D DataBaseNameToPutInto < SomeFileName.dump That should do it fine. Another way is this command:

create table NEW select * from OLD; Then use:

show create table OLD;

alter table NEW add primary key (this,that);

Then add other keys as necessary;

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For work with mysql database make use of software below to open/read/scan/export-import mysql data

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A good place to find tutorials on how to make a MYSQL table is tutorials point. It will show how to create the table as well as give many examples. It also has many other related tutorials.

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Execute a SELECT INTO statement on the mysql database: INSERT INTO destination_table (id, first_name, last_name) SELECT id, first_name, last_name from source_table;

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The INSERT statement in MySQL is used to add data to a table. The INSERT INTO command inserts one or more rows into a MySQL table. For single row insertion you need to use the following syntax: INSERT Into table_name(column_1,column_2,column_3) VALUES(value_1, value_2, value_3); To speed up the process, you can use additional MySQL database management tools. For example, in dbForge Studio for MySQL, you can use the Generate Script as feature to insert one or more rows into a MySQL table.

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Please refer to the related links section which points to the correct page of the on-line MYSQL manual.

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