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Correct wording: Is it correct to say 'Nice to meeting you'? Answer = No, it's not correct, because one of the reasons for using a verb in the gerund form (ing termination) is when a verb is used after a preposition (to, in, for etc). In 'Nice to meeting you', the word "to" is a particle which indicates infinitive verb forms in English (unless otherwise stated, the particle "to" has no translations in other languages other than English). Thus, the correct form is 'Nice to meet you'. On the other hand, we can say 'Meeting you is nice.", where meeting, in other languages (at least Portuguese) is translated as a verb in the infinitive form (to meet, to go, to say etc): "Conhecer você é bom" (literal translation for 'Meeting you is nice"). Notice that when a verb is used as a subject in a sentence, accordingly used in the beginning of a sentence, this verb is used in the gerund in English, while it is used in the infinitive form in other languages. (NOTE: This question should be recategorized as "English grammar", but I don't know how to do it.)

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15y ago
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10y ago

It is correct to say "Nice speaking to you" after a conversation. "Nice talking with you" is also okay, and perhaps slightly more idiomatic.

The expression is short for "It was nice speaking to you", and this, in turn, comes from "Speaking to you was nice" by the grammatical process of extraposition, which substitutes "it" for a complicated sentence subject and moves the original subject to the end.

That is to say, we begin with a subject "speaking to you" of the predicate "was nice", and moving the subject to the end gives "was nice speaking to you". Then, to fulfill the requirement in English that sentences must have subjects, the new subject "it" is supplied, giving "It was nice speaking to you", and finally, "it was" is omitted.

The original subject "speaking to you" is a nominalization of the sentence "I speak to you". A more explicit form would be "my speaking to you", and that version makes it clearer that this construction is a 'possessive plus -ing' nominalization, which is standard and very frequent in English. To convert a sentence into a noun phrase, the subject of the sentence is made into a possessive (here "my") going with the noun form of the sentence's main verb (here, gerund "speaking" derived from "speak").

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13y ago

"Nice to meet you" is typically said shortly after being introduced or introducing yourself to another person. "Nice meeting you" is used at the end of a conversation, when it is the first time you've been introduced to or introduced yourself to another person.

For example:

John is new in town and enters the new high school mid-year. He must meet with the principal to enroll in classes. Mr. K. Principal stands up, extends his hand for a handshake, which John returns (shaking his hand) and says, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Principal." After the principal discusses classes, class schedule, etc., Mr. Principal ends the conversation and says, "Nice meeting you, John. Just make sure I don't see you in my office for disciplinary reasons." John responds, "Nice meeting you, too. And don't worry; I'm good at following rules."

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10y ago

If you are meeting your niece after a long time, it is important to give her a hug.

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15y ago

Likewise or nice to meet you too.

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Dina Alaraby

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2y ago

yes, it is correct

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Lvl 1
3y ago

nice to meet you too

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