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Q: How do you round off 93.07 to two significant figures?
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0.036 The significant figures are indicated by the square brackets 0.0[35550], so we round this part of the figure.

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It depends on how many significant digits you want to round it off to.

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6.71 is 6.7050 is rounded to three significant figures.

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Rounding to different numbers of significant figures, the greatest result is 22,000.21 987 round off theto its greatest value what is answer.

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If you are rounding off to two significant figures the result is 33.Sixes always round up to the next higher digit i.e.296 to two significant figures is 30 *101

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Simply cut off the extra digits: 5.00

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1.0 x 10^2

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45.0 is the 44.981 to 3 significant figures.

How do you round 65.74 to three significant figures?

Simply cut off the extra number: 65.7

How do you round 35670.06 to 4 significant figures?

To round 35670.06 to 4 significant figures, we count from the first non-zero digit from the left. The first four digits are 3, 5, 6, and 7. The digit after 7 is 0, which is less than 5, so we keep the 7 and round down. Therefore, 35670.06 rounded to 4 significant figures is 35670.