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make every movement none predictable and more oral

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Q: How do you satisfy your wife on bed?
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Why does wife drink so much?

Because I no longer satisfy her in bed so she fills the hole of intemacy in her heart with alcohol.

How can a gay man satisfy a straigt man in bed?

Ask tom woods

Who was Othello's wife killed in bed?

Othello's wife was Desdemona.

What is a bridal bed?

It is the bed a husband and wife first sleep together in.

What did Shakespeare do with his bed?

He left it in his will to his wife

What do guys do in bed with their wife?


I am 19 years old - my penis is 5.50 inches long but I am unable to satisfy my girlfriend?

cuz u prob suck in bed... why dont you pass her this way and ill satisfy her

Where do you buy a big bed in harvest moon island of happiness?

There is no "Big Bed". You have to have 2 separate beds, The husband/wife bed, and you still have your own. You can buy the Husband/wife bed at Chen's shop once you upgraded your home.

What was the only thing left to his wife in shakespeare will?

The only thing that William Shakespeare left his wife (Anne) in his will was "the second best bed".

The age of your friend is 24 he has erected 3.5 inch penis can he satisfy his wife or not?

Probably not..

What is a domintrix wife?

a wife that wants to be either dominated in bed or she wants control.

Husband living with a female roommate only one bed in house what are your rights?

meaning you and your wife have a female living in your home and there is only one bed and what are YOUR rights? You and your wife continue to sleep in the bed and let the roommate have the couch. If you've been ousted from the bed you need to have a chat with wife and roomy asap.