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Q: How do you say 'nothing' in Arabic?
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There is nothing called Israellanguage. In Israel you talk Hebrew or Arabic.

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If you want to say Arabic in Arabic this is how you say it=Arabi

What does this say in Arabic?

As there is nothing attached that copies the Arabic text, it is impossible to answer this question as written. If the question is referring to the graffiti on the tombstone in the image attached to the question, it is in Hebrew, not Arabic and it says "Death to Arabs!"

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How do you say peace be with you in Arabic?

What is nothing in Arabic?

la shay and this means nothing

How do you say 'disbeliever' in Arabic?

To say 'disbeliever' in Arabic, you would say 'kaffir.'

In Arabic what we say Ramadan or Ramadhan?

In Arabic we say Ramadan.

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How do you say good-for-nothing in Arabic?

Translation: La khayr fihi (لا خير فيه) which literally means "there is no good in it", but refers to a person who is lazy and does nothing useful.

How do you say with in Arabic?

With is مع in Arabic.

How do you say where is Tariq in Arabic?

In formal Arabic, say "Ayna Tareq?" In slang Arabic, say" wean Tareq?" or "Fean Tariq?"

How do you say donuts in Arabic?

To say "dessert" in Arabic, one would say "halwaa" which is spelled in the Arabic alphabet as حلوى.