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"How did you know?" in Spanish is "¿Cómo supo?" It is pronounced "KO-mow SUE-poh". Please see this site for confirmation of the translation:

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To know someone: conocer a alguien. To know something: Saber algo.

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"como supiste que algo esta mal?"

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Como lo hago?

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Tú sabes que te pedí.

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Te lo dije

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Q: How do you say How did you know something is wrong in Spanish?
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How do you say why What is wrong in spanish?

Porqué que pasa

How do you say you're wrong in Spanish?

Estás equivocado.

How do yI say they are wrong in spanish?

están equivocados

What do you say when your boyfriend asks you how much he means to you?

Tell the truth. If you don't know why he asked the question, say "why did you ask that question? Is something wrong?"

How do you say 'in Spanish' in Spanish?

If you are asking someone to say something in Spanish you will use the phrase "en español porfavor" or "In Spanish please."

What do you say to your friend when they are excluding you?

You can say did I do something wrong or are you mad at me