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its just the same i think

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Q: How do you say albino in spanish?
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How do you say albino is different languages?

albinas - femialbinos - masc thats how you say it in spanish!!!

What is an albino tiger?

A albino tiger is a tiger that is white just like when people say" YOUR ALBINO"!

What do you get if you breed an albino ballpython to an albino ballpython?

I'd have to say probably an Albino Ballpython. Although there would be a small chance of it being non-Albino

How do you say albino in latin?

There is no direct equivalent in Latin for the word "albino", which has Spanish or Portuguese origins and is a specific term for colouring of eyes, hair and skin. The nearest would be Latin albus, meaning white, pale or bright, or perhaps albidus meaning whitish or pale.

How do albino turtles become albino?

Any animal can be albino and they are born with it so they dont just wake up one day and say hey im albino no they're born with albinoeness :) lol nice answer

How do you say albino in Fijian?

Rea pronounced Rear

Will my child be albino if the child's father is albino?

There is a very low percentage of having a albino child if you yourself are not albino ==you can have an albino baby==

Why is a green pacman frog better than a albino pacman frog?

cous they say the ornate green pacman frog eats more then the albino carnwelli pacman frog

Can you hunt albino deer in Minnesota?

Yes, it is legal to hunt Albino White tailed Deer in Michigan. A lot of people will say no its not but since early 2009 it has been legal.

Is Boris Johnson albino?

Are you Albino?

What term is used for an animal lacking in pigmentation?

a person or animal that lacks pigment in their skin, hair, and eyes would be albino.

What is the word 'albino' when translated from English to Japanese?

You may say 'shirako,' written: 白子