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Antidisestablishmentarianism is a unique word that only exists in the English language because it is a specifically British political phenomenon. Disestablishment was a movement to divest the Anglican Church of its political interest and stake in the British State. Disestablishmentarian was a person who was part of this movement. Antidisestablishmentarianism was the movement in opposition to disestablishment, namely those who wished for the Anglican Church to keep its interest and stake in the British State.

This is a complex concept, so if you wanted to explain it in Spanish, you would say, "los que están en contra del desestablecimiento de la iglesia del estado".


Anti-establishmentarianism would be: una actitud o posicion anti-establecimiento. Anti-establishment can also be: en contra de la autoridad establecida.

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Very close!Antidisestablishmentarianism

Meaning and correct spelling of antidisestablishmentarianism?

In England the Church of England is the established church which gives it special privileges compared to , say, the Roman Catholic church. If you are against this arrangement (and thus for the disestablishment of the Church of England) then you are a disestablishmentarian. If you are against the movement for disestablishment then you are an antidisestablishmentarian and believe in antidisestablishmentarianism.

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The word Antidisestablishmentarianism has 12 syllabals

What is the opposite meaning of Antidisestablishmentarianism?

The opposite of ''antidisestablishmentarianism'' is ''prodisestablishmentarianism'', or simply ''disestablishmentarianism.''

How do you spell antidisinstablishmenteareism?

you spell it, like it but you spell antidisinstablishmenteareism like antidisinstablishmenteareism