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" dulce de azúcar"

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Q: How do you say fudge brownie in spanish?
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How do you spell brownie in spanish?

There is no word for brownie. Just say brownie or "galleta" (cookie)

How do you say fudge you in spanish?

'Dulce de azúcar' is how you say 'fudge' in Spanish. If you want to pronounce it just simply say a 'th' instead of the 'z'!

What food groups are in a fudge brownie?

Confectionery - cakes and sweets, etc.

How do you say hot fudge in spanish?

Chocolate caliente en crema

What is the difference between fudge and brownie?

brownies have flour fudge doesn't brownies are cake like while fudge is candy like

How do you make a choc fudge caremel lovly brownie?

You follow the instructions on the box.

Is fudge like a brownie?

brownies and fudge are only alike because they are chocolate flavorred. Brownies are like squares of chocolate cake, when fudge are moist chocolate squares with rich cchocolate filling on the inside and outside.

How do you say brownie in Latin?


How long should you stir fudge?

How long you need to stir fudge will vary depending on the recipe that you are using. Some instructions say to stir fudge for five minutes as it boils and some microwave recipes say to stir fudge when ingredients are melted.

Why is it called peanut butter explosion cake What are the main ingredients aside from peanut butter?

It is so called because there is an explosion of tasty ingredients. Apart from peanut butter, it contains fudge brownie, peanut butter mousse, fudge and peanut butter chips.

What are some new and different brownie recipes?

All the brownie recipes are the same, but you can add your own decorations in while mixing the powder. You can put nuts, sprinkles, candy, fudge, you can put anything you want. If you're looking for more recipes, purchase a cooking book.

How do you say brownie in Hebrew?

brownie (food) = chomiyah (חומיה) brownie (mythical creature) = shedón (שדוןּ) brownie (scouting) = chaverat tnu'at hatsofim (חברת תנועת הצופים)