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Q: How do you say keep it on in spanish?
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How do you say keep on repeat in Spanish?

sigue repitiendo

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keep your spirit up

How do you say they keep me awake in spanish?

You could say "que me mantienen despierta".

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manten tus promesas

How To Say Keep In Spanish?

queda te con el , is in a full sentence keep = guardar

How do you say keep this to yourself in Spanish?

mantener esto a ti mismo

How do you say purse in spansish?

The Spanish for purse (as in where you keep your money) is monedero.

How do you say keep a secret in spanish?

To keep a secret = Guardar un/el secretoPlease keep it a secret = Guárdame el secreto

How do you say keep a smile on in spanish?

Siga / sigan / sigue / seguid sonriendo.

How do you say keep paddling in Spanish?

Seguir remandoSiga / sigan / sigue / seguid remando.