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no a mis espaldas

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Q: How do you say not behind my back in spanish?
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If your ugly do people say it behind your back aswell?

It doesn't matter what other people say or think about you. If they do say things behind your back, then they are ugly as well.

How do you say I sleep on my back in Spanish?

I sleep on my back in Spanish is: Yo duermo de espaldas.

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yes probably because if she is pretty and if he can trust her to not say stuff in Spanish behind his back

How do you say i take it back in spanish?

Me retracto

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How do you say i want to do you from behind in spanish?

Yo quiero joderte de detrás

What do you say for hiding behind the sheets in spanish?

Esconderse tras las sabanas.

How do you say i need you back in spanish?

we say: necesito que vuelvas

How do you say back in Spanish?

If you mean your back as in the part of your anatomy, the spanish word is "espalda" (S-paul-dah)

What does atras mean in English?

Atras is Spanish, and in English it means back, as in behind. Atras mio, for example, means behind me.

How do you say bring that back in Spanish?

Devuelve eso

How do you say back seat in Spanish?

Asiento trasero