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¿Podría por favor darme una servilleta?

Puede tener una servilleta, por favor.

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15y ago

napkin = servilleta (sehr-vee-YEH-tah)

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15y ago

our napkins= nuestras servilletas

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¿Tienes una servilleta?

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Q: How do you say our napkins in Spanish?
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It is dinner time, and you ask your friend to set the table. He/She asks you what to put on the table. You say spoons, forks, napkins and glasses. How would you say this in Spanish?

Necesitamos cucharas, tenedores, servilletas y vasos

How do you say beautiful napkins in french?

beau serviettes.

What is the collective noun for napkins?

Some collective nouns for napkins are a box of napkins or a package of napkins.

What part do the napkins play on Beauty and the Beast?

They are in the Song Be Our Guest and they say the french numbers

The carbon footrpint for paper napkins vs cloth napkins. Which one is more environmentally friendly?

Cloth napkins typically have a lower carbon footprint than paper napkins when considering the entire lifecycle - production, distribution, and disposal. Using cloth napkins reduces the need for single-use paper products that contribute to deforestation and waste. Regular washing of cloth napkins may require water and detergent consumption, so washing them in full loads with eco-friendly detergent can help mitigate environmental impact.

What is the French word for napkins?

napkins = les serviettes (f)

What are napkins made of?

Napkins are commonly made of paper, but they can also be made of cloth like cotton or linen. Paper napkins are usually disposable and convenient for quick clean-ups, while cloth napkins are reusable and can add a touch of elegance to a table setting.

Did early Hebrews use napkins?

There is no mention of napkins in the Hebrew Bible.

How often can cloth dinner napkins be reused?

Cloth Napkins can be reused as long as they are cleaned properly and vary depending on the quality. Washing the napkins with high quality detergents and softener can also extend a napkins lifespan.

What is a sentence using the word napkins?

The newly engaged couple called off the wedding over an argument about the colour of the napkins.Wipe your face on one of the napkins, not the tablecloth, please.He held the napkins too close to the candle. The romantic dinner was ruined.

Where can I buy nice dinner napkins?

Crate and Barrel has the nicest, though pricey, napkins. Paper napkins can also be found at any grocery store but for fabric napkins, a higher end store would provide the best quality.

What is the right size for table napkins?

Large cloth napkins that completely cover the person's lap are the best. Large thick paper napkins are also acceptable.