

How do you say sciuridae?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: How do you say sciuridae?
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How do you pronounce Sciuridae?

I would say Sigh- yuri-day-ee. As a best guess The ground squirrel

What family do squirells belong to?


What family is the groundhog in?

sciuridae i believe

What family does a red squirrel belong to?

Squirrels belong to a large family called the Sciuridae.

What animal is the groundhogs cousins?

Gophers and Woodchucks

Scientific name of squairrel?

The Scientific name for a squirrel is Sciuridae.

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Chipmunks are from the Tamias species, Sciuridae family.

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What animal group is a squirrel in?

Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: RodentiaFamily: Sciuridae

What group are squrrels in like mammals?

Squirrels are from the Rodentia order and Sciuridae family.

What is the scientic name for squirrel?

The term "squirrel" actually refers to the family Sciuridae, which is the family that all squirrels are in.

Is the Tasmanian devil a sciuridae?

No. The Tasmanian devil is a dasyurid, of the dasyuridae family. These are the carnivorous marsupials.Sciuridae is the squirrel family.