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Texto con conexión por si mismo.

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Q: How do you say text to self connection in spanish?
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What is text book in spanish?

Libro de texto(Literally "book of text")

How do you say I like to text in Spanish?

Me gusta mandar textos.

How do you you say text in spanish?

"Text" in Spanish is "texto." It is pronounced, "TEX-toe." Sites such as provide audio pronunciations of many common Spanish words.

How say man text back in spanish?

hombre, texto detras

How do you say want to text in spanish?

¿ quieres mandarme un mensaje ?

How do you say ' will text you after work' in spanish?

Te escribiré después del trabajo

How do you say they can in Spanish?

(ellos) pueden ('ellos' - they - can be omitted if self-evident)

How do you say 'self employed' in Spanish?

trabajadores por cuenta propia

How do you say did he text you lastnight in spanish?

te texto ayer por la noche

How do you say good an your self in spanish?

Good, and yourself? = Bien, y tu?

How do you say the text is written in spanish?

Translation: El texto esta escrito (accent over the 'a')

In spanish how do you say do you have text on your phone?

I think--- ¿Tienes el texto en su teléfono?