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deux fois pronounce it like this du fwa

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

une deuxième fois

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βˆ™ 13y ago

deux fois

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Q: How do you say twice in french?
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How do you say i have seen the movie twice in french?

j'ai vu le film deux fois

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Tu fais du foot(ball) deux fois par semainefoot is short for football

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It must be Bisous it is a kind (and infant) way to say baiser (a kiss) Bisous are kisses

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What do you mean by "yes yes". In English for someone to use the word twice can be a sign of impatience or french using the word "oui" which = yes twice would carry a similar connotation.

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je vais cliquer deux fois sur ta personne (doesn't make sense for me, but this is what is written)

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"ceux, celles"

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How do you say 'say' in french?

to say is the verb 'dire' in French.

How do you say French assignment in French?

To say "French assignment" in French, you can say "devoir de français."

How do say 'she' in French?

In French, to say 'she' , you say:Elleeg. elle s'appelle comment?In French, to say 'he', you say:Il

When was So Nice Say It Twice EP created?

So Nice Say It Twice EP was created in 2005.

How do you say At At from Star Wars?

You say the word 'At' twice.