

How do you say you stink in french?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: How do you say you stink in french?
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You can say "Tu sens comme un cochon" in French to mean "you stink like a pig."

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In French, you can say "Il pense que ses pets ne puent pas."

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"des boules puantes"

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Yes, stink can be noun or verb.

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"des boules puantes"

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to stink

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They do have a musky odor, so I guess you could say that yes, they do stink or have a bit of an unpleasant smell to them.

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He stinks bad

What does pue mean in French?

"puer" is the French verb for the English "to stink, to have a foul smell" "ça pue" is translated "it stinks"

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The word for stink bug in Spanish is chinche. The word for stink bug in Italian cimice. The word for stink bug is bug puanteur.

How do you say you stink in romanian?

you stink = # tu puţi # eşti împuţit # miroşi urît # duhneşti