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possibly stoonod...(means stupid person)

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Q: How do you say your a weirdo in Italian?
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How do you say weirdo in Chinese?

You say weirdo in Chinese like this: guai In Chinese character you write this word like this: 怪

How do you say weirdo in greek?

Weird = Paraksenos

What would you say in stead of freaks?

You could say weirdo or creep.

How do you say weirdo in Japanese?

Hen na yatsu.

How do you say weirdo in Spanish?

I don't think spanish, has an exact word for weirdo. Rarito, is used also to denote a gay person, something that weirdo does not say. (We say: Es medio rarito, or es rarito. Which generally means, he is Gay) We usually say, that someone is "raro" or "extra~o" . Which just mean weird and strange. But in Spanish, we don't have an exact word to denote all the weirdo means. I really like english, because of words like Weirdo, "weirdos from an other planet" Cheers!

How do you spell a Weirdo in french?

"Weirdo" is a slang term used in the U.S. You could say "weird person" which would be "bizarre personne."

How do you say weirdo in mandarin?

The word for "weirdo" in Mandarin is 怪人 (guài rén).

What is 'weirdo' when translated from English to Italian?

Tipa strana and tipo strano are Italian equivalents of the English word "weirdo." Context makes clear whether the "strange type" is a female (case 1) or a male (example 2). The respective pronunciations will be "TEE-pa STRA-na" in the feminine and "TEE-po STRA-no" in the masculine in Pisan Italian.

How do you say you're weird in Australian?

mate, you're a bloody weirdo

What does corni mean?

its korny, and it means someone is a dork, a geek, a weirdo but in a good way 'Corni' is the Italian word for horn.

Does sex really hurt as much as people say it does?

you weirdo try it foryourself freakozoide!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weirdo who are you?

people call me a weirdo but i am not one