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Q: How do you separate gold mercury and lead?
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Can you get the gold from pour mercury?

Mercury and gold are two different elements. There is no mercury in gold and there is no gold in mercury. If there is some gold mixed in with the mercury to begin with, then there are ways to separate it out. If there is no gold in the mercury to begin with, then there's no way to get any gold out of it.

How separate lead gold mixture to gold?


How gold mining poisonous?

The toxic heavy metal, mercury is frequently used to separate out the gold.

What is more dense lead mercury gold water?

Between lead, mercury, gold, and water, mercury is more dense than all the rest. It is type of metal which is most commonly seen and used in its liquid format.

Which has the greatest number of protons in its nucleus gold mercury silver lead?

Look at the periodic table to see which of these has the greatest atomic number. In reverse order: silver, gold, mercury, lead (82)

What is a way to separate Salt White Sand Iron filings and Gold filings into four separate piles?

Use a magent to pick out the iron particles. Soak the remainder in water until the salt is dissolved - dry the water, leaving behind a pile of salt. Mix the rest with mercury - the gold clings to the mercury, leaving behind a pile of sand. Use cyanide to separate the gold out of the mercury and remove the mercury.

What are the seven metals of antiquity?

Copper, tin, zinc, gold, silver, mercury, lead

Was gold obtained from mercury in Japan in 1924?

It can and it has been done but turning lead into gold costs more than buying the gold alone. You see? Lead has 82 isotopes and gold has 79. So lead is 3 isotopes away to be converted into gold. But it cost less buying it as it comes from earth.

What are minerals that are elements?

Examples are: gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, platinum group metals etc.

What is a pure element?

Diamond, for one. Also, gold, silver, lead, Mercury, to name just a few.

What kind of minerals you find on a rocky mountain?

Sorry but I can find two lead and gold

How was the philosopher's stone supposed to be able to turn lead into gold?

The Philosopher's Stone, was a legendary substance with astonishing powers. The Stone will transform base metal such as mercury or lead into pure gold. Just how it did this is not known.