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-- Write the two latitudes. Write a north latitude as a positive number,

and a south one as a negative number.

The calculation to come will be easier if you write the latitudes in the form

of decimal degrees. You can obtain them from the numbers you have like this:

Decimal degrees = (DEGREES) + (MINUTES/60) + ( SECONDS/3,600)

-- On a blank sheet of paper, or in in the margin of a pre-used one,

write one latitude underneath the other.

-- Subtract.

-- The number resulting from the subtraction is the difference between

the original two latitudes.

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If you meant the degree difference, it is a 30 degree latitude difference between 30 degrees north latitude and 0 degrees longitude.If you meant the difference in features:0 degrees latitude is longer than 30 degrees north latitude.30 degrees north latitude is located in the northern hemisphere while 0 degrees latitude is located in the middle of the northern and southern hemispheres.

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Their difference is 30 degrees of latitude.

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The difference is 40 degrees. Latitudes are referenced to zero at the equator.

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40 degrees. The equator is zero latitude.

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The difference is 30° .

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To find the sum of integers, you use addition.To find the difference, you use subtraction.

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A line of latitude is the line of latitude shown on a map, usually representing 10 degrees latitude. Degrees of latitude are simply the number of degrees, such as 33.33 etc.

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A line of latitude is the line of latitude shown on a map, usually representing 10 degrees latitude. Degrees of latitude are simply the number of degrees, such as 33.33 etc.

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Latitude with the same name (both North or both South) -Subtract the lesser latitude from the greater latitude. Latitude with different names (one North, one South) -Add their latitudes

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