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Here is a good selection of fruit names:

apple: pomme

apricot: abricot

avocado: avocat

banana: banane

blackberry: mûre

blackcurrant: cassis

blood orange: orange sanguine

blueberry: myrtille

canary melon: melon canari

cherry: cerise

clementine: clémentine

coconut: noix de coco

cranberry: canneberge

date: datte

fig: figue

gooseberry: groseille à maquereau

goyave: goyave

grapes: raisins

grapefruit: pamplemousse

greengage: reine-claude

honeybell, tangelo: tangelo

honeydew melon: melon vert

kiwi: kiwi

lemon: citron

lime: citron vert

longan: longane

lychee: litchi

mandarin orange: mandarine

mango: mangue

mangosteen: mangoustan

medlar: nèfle

melon: melon

mirabelle plum: mirabelle

nectarine: nectarine, brugnon

olive: olive

orange: orange

papaya: papaye

passion fruit: fruit de la passion

peach: peche

pear: poire

persimmon: kaki

pineapple: ananas

plantain: banane plantain

plum: prune

pomegranate: grenade

prune: pruneau

rambutan: ramboutan

raspberry: framboise

redcurrant: groseille

sour cherry: griotte

strawberry: fraise

tamarind: tamarin

tangelo, honeybell: tangelo

tangerine: tangerine

watermelon: pastèque

wild cherry: merise

wild strawberry: fraise des bois

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12y ago

The dragon fruit is called 'fruit du dragon', or 'pitaya' (other spelling: pitahaya) in French.

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