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The term for treats following a meal has two S's: dessert, plural desserts.

E.g. Chocolate dessert recipes as opposed to the Sahara desert.

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Q: How do you spell desserts like in sweets?
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What were Egypt's desserts like?

Hello, About the question I'm going to answer it for you easily as I'm Egyptian & would be glad to let you know what do we eat? The desserts are called ''Oriental sweets'' which contains something called ''Basboosa'', ''Konafa'', ''Beklawa''...etc Write oriental sweets & you will find pics there with all these sweets which taste yummy. Hope that I helped you in your question. Dona

Are hundreds and thousands sweets?

Not really, they are used mainly for decorating desserts

How icing classified?

Icing is in the food category of Sweets or Candy and Desserts.

What are some low carb desserts?

If you undertake a healthy, balanced diet, you'll find that cravings for sweets are diminished. Desserts by their vary nature are full of fat and sugar, which is why we love them. You can, however, retrain your palate to love fruit and alternative sweets for dessert. There are several websites that offer recipes for desserts for diabetics: AND AND

What is a cookie classified as?

They are classified as desserts and sweets.

How do you spell desserts?

dessertsyou had it correct

Are desserts wet or dry?

Desserts are puddings or sweets eaten after the main meal. I assume you meant desert? In which case, a desert can be like the Sahara, partly sand and flat plains of gravel, but lacking rain. Or like the Antarctic Continent, which is mainly snow and ice, yet is still classed as a desert.

How do you spell lots of sweets in German?

Lots of sweets can be translated as: viele Süßigkeiten viele Bonbons

What are some easy diabetic desserts?

well they have a variety of diabetic desserts to help you stay healthy without starving you of those sugary sweets you know and love! has a section for desserts. some diabetic desserts on that page are, diabetic ice cream, sweet potato pie , and diabetic cookies!!!

What is the business of Cheryl and Company?

Cheryl & company make and sell sweets, desserts and baked treats. They also make and deliver treats for occasions like birthdays, thank you and bake sales.