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The British spelling is prioritise. In the US it's spelled prioritize.

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How do you prioritize your work Give example?

How do you prioritize your work

How do use prioritize in a sentence?

Prioritize means to put into order based on importance. You must prioritize your chores before you begin.

Is the phrase 'prioritize on' correct English?

No. Prioritize takes a direct object.

How do you use prioritize in a sentence?

You should prioritize your work.Parents prioritize their errands so they do important tasks first.To prioritize, the student set aside all work due later in the month.

How do you prioritize IP address?

There is no inherent priority in Internet Protocol Addresses.Therefore, you don't prioritize them.

How would you answer 'How do you prioritize your work in order of importance' during a job interview?

There is no right or wrong way to answer how you prioritize your work. You should just be honest and state how you prioritize your work.

What part of speech is prioritize?

The word prioritize is a verb meaning to place in order, as of importance or value.

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What is a sentence for prioritize?

I always prioritize spending time with my family over work commitments.