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Soothe is right. "She soothed the crying child with a teaspoon of honey."

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14y ago
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8y ago

The correct spelling is soothe.

An example sentence is: this medication will soothe you.

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Those letters spell the word soothe.

What part of speech is word soothe?

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How would you use the word Soothe in a sentence?

Lisa looked at the lotion bottle. " Made to soothe dry, sensitive skin" it read.

Use the word soothe in a sentence?

My cousin soothed her little sister instead of my aunt.Soothe means to calm or console.Let me soothe your concerns.

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How do you spell sooth?

The spelling sooth is an archaic term for "truth" (soothsayer).The verb meaning to calm or ease is to soothe.

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Soothe means to calm or relax. The others all mean physical harm.

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