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You summarize a nonfiction passage much like a fictional passage, by highlighting the key points. When summarizing, it is important to stick to only the main points, and to limit details dramatically, without of course leaving anything supremely important out.

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Q: How do you summarize a nonfiction passage?
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Which characteristic of the passage up the coolly best indicates to the reader that it is fiction rather than nonfiction?

The imaginative elements, such as fantastical creatures or magical events, in the passage are more indicative of fiction rather than nonfiction. The lack of factual evidence, data, or references typically found in nonfiction also suggests that the passage is a work of fiction.

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What are the techniques in summarizing a passage?

To summarize a passage effectively, focus on the main ideas and key points. Start by identifying the purpose of the passage and the main argument. Then, condense the information by paraphrasing and using your own words while maintaining the original meaning. Finally, ensure the summary is clear, concise, and captures the essential points of the passage.

When you Reword a passage usually to summarize or rephrase another writer's words to avoid a direct quote is known as?

It is called paraphrasing.

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To summarize a passage, you should first read it carefully and make sure you understand the main ideas and key points. Then, identify the main thesis or argument of the passage and determine the supporting evidence or examples used. Finally, condense the main ideas into a concise statement that captures the essence of the passage without including unnecessary details or examples.

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