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Katniss shoots an arrow into the force sheild, witch is keeping them in the arena. So the force shield blows up and then katniss is taken by one of the hover crafts and peeta and the others are taken in by the Capitol.

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Chad Rath

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2y ago
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11y ago

By killing all of the other participants in the game, being the last one standing.

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12y ago

You have to stay alive with everything you've got!

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12y ago

you can not! It is an april fools joke. Atleast that is what I have heard!

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11y ago

The only way is to be born there or be born in a district and then become the representative for the district, like what Effie Trinket does (she was actually from district 12 to begin with).

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11y ago

Be like Katniss, and hide. Get your main survival objects that include The Hunger Games book.

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Did Katniss survive The Hunger Games?


What do you have to do to survive the Hunger Games?

stay alive

What is the first hunger games film called?

The Hunger Games

What are the berries in the Hunger Games called?

At the very end of the games, when the announcement is made that they both can't survive

How does finnick survive the hunger games if katniss and finnick are from different districts?

If you are talking about the Games in Catching Fire, you will understand it better once you read Mockingjay :)

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What do you have to do to survive the Hunger Games?

stay alive

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Does Pets and Katniss Survive The Hunger Games?

YES! They do!!

Who survived hunger games?

Obviously that Katniss and Peeta survive

What resources do they have in the book Hunger Games?

The tributes in normal hunger games have whatever they have at the cornucopia to help them survive and they also have whatever the arena has and what they get from their sponsors.

Does Peeta Mellark survive all the hunger games books?

yes he does

How do rue survive in the early part of hunger games?

she sticks to the trees

What celebrity would most likely survive The Hunger Games?

mitt romney

What page of the hunger games does it say how many people survive it?

Just read it!

What causes the people to submit to the Hunger Games every year?

the Capitol makes the hunger games each year to show the people of panem that they could not survive another rebellion.