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Q: How do you take care of a viola plant?
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You put water on it.

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A bean sprout would be the easiest for them to take care of.

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How do you take care of a zucchini plant all year round?

you plant it and put water on it and wait for it to grow

What are wort plants?

Wort plants are a type of herbaceous plant that is used in traditional medicine to make herbal remedies, particularly to treat anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. Some common examples include St. John's Wort, Skullcap, and Lemon Balm. These plants contain bioactive compounds that are believed to have mood-stabilizing and calming effects.

Is viola a flowering plant?

Yes it is in the same grouping as pansies and violets.

How should you repair or take care of the yellow leaves of your Nurturing Green plant that you ordered online?

I suggest you take one of the leaves to a garden center or arborist to get an idea of the exact type of plant and what care it needs.

Why you need to keep a plant and animal?

we should have a plant because plants give us fresh air so we should not destroy it so have a plant take care of it we need to have an animal because they become extinct so we should have one and take care of it

How do egyptians adapt to environment?

the answers is that they plant and take care of their environment adapt is the word that for them means luv and care

How do you make a banana?

By, growing a banana plant. Take care of it! you grow it on a tree