

How do you teach tricks to a rabbit?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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Teaching rabbits tricks is not easy. You have to be very gentle and patient and work at the right speed for your bunny.

Bunnies who enjoy human contact are generally very welcoming of praise in the form of petting and kind words when they have done something well. All rabbits respond well to treats of any kind!

So, say you want your bunny to jump over a small 'show-jump' style fence. (4 inches max to start) You would first show the bunny what to do -- say 'jump' lift them over the fence, pet them, give them a treat; do this a few times. Then hold the treat the other side of the fence so the bunny can jump himself and say 'jump.' When the bunny comes overs again, give him praise, pets, and treats.

Once the bunny is comfortable doing this on command, you can start making the jump a little higher and not giving a treat every time but at the end of a training session or every 2 or 3 jumps.

The same process can be used for any trick.

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15y ago

My rabbit called Charlie can do a lot of tricks I've taught him! You can't teach your rabbit to sit up and bark, though! Charlie can go onto his hind feet and walk, he can jump through hoops, he can do obstacle coarses, and he can jump onto my lap. I want to teach him how to jump rope, but that might take a while. Or you could make up your own tricks! Emma

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