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The problem of the suitors in "The Odyssey" could have been handled more diplomatically by Odysseus upon his return. He could have devised a plan to confront them without resorting to violence, perhaps by seeking assistance from allies or utilizing his wit to outsmart them. Additionally, if the suitors had shown more respect for Penelope and Odysseus' household, conflict may have been avoided altogether.

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Q: How do you think the problem of the suitors should have been handled?
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How might Odysseus feelings about the suitors differ from Penelopes?

Odysseus feels angry and vengeful toward the suitors for disrespecting his home and trying to win Penelope's affections while he was away. Penelope, on the other hand, feels disdain and frustration towards the suitors for overstaying their welcome and pressuring her to choose a new husband, as she remains faithful to Odysseus.

When you brainstorm for your problem-solution essay you should try to think of what?

When brainstorming for your problem-solution essay, you should try to think of various issues or challenges that need to be addressed in society. Then, consider potential solutions or ways to improve the situation. It's important to identify the root causes of the problem and think creatively about effective strategies for solving it.

Who do you think Telemachus's thinks Odysseus if the suitors practice shots on Odysseus?

Telemachus would likely view Odysseus as a skilled and powerful figure if he were the target of the suitors' practice shots. He would respect his father's ability to withstand such attacks and possibly see it as a test of Odysseus's resilience and strength. Telemachus may also be proud of his father for enduring these challenges posed by the suitors.

How do the suitors respond to the newly confident telemachus?

The suitors are surprised and impressed by Telemachus's newfound confidence. Some of them may feel threatened by his assertiveness and determination to take charge of his household and confront them. Others may see it as a positive sign of his potential as a future leader.

What do you think Odysseus is going to do to the suitors?

Odysseus is likely to seek revenge against the suitors for their disrespectful behavior towards his household during his absence. He may use his cunning and wit to devise a plan to punish them for their actions and restore order in his home. This could involve some form of violence or deception to teach them a lesson.

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The suitors believe Odysseus to have killed Antinous by mistake, and they threaten to kill him as well.

What does Telemachus think of Odysseus plan to kill the suitors?

like he sucks

How did Penelope trick the suitors their demands marriage?

I think you may be referring to when Penelope tells the suitors that she will make a decision to marry one of them after she is done weaving a web of yarn. However, she was just misleading them; she untangles the work done every night for a year (I think so, that is just an estimate). However, a maid who was aware of this outs this to the suitors. When the suitors are made aware of this, they are outraged and force her to finish weaving.

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I think it was the head maid. And the women who supported the suitors also had sex with one of them and game him hints on what the queen was doing.

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The suitors react with outrage, and threaten to kill Odysseus. They think the killing is an accident and still do not realize Odysseus' identity or intentions.

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