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mujer con curvas

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Q: How do you translate curvy woman in Spanish?
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How translate to Spanish the woman is reading?

La mujer está leyendo.

What is considered curvy woman?

one that has curves.

Translate from spanish eres mujer o hombre?

Are you male or female? Or literally, are you woman or man?

How do you say hot woman in spanish?

That would translate over to: divertido mujer

How do you call a woman in spanish that is not married?

You call a woman which is not married in Spanish a mujer soltera. If you would like to pronounce it correctly go to google Say you want to translate From Englishto TO Spanish then type single woman and then where it says solo below it must have a sign of a speaker. That's how you Say single woman in Spanish.

What is a sentence using the word curvy?

The road bent back and forth; it was very curvy. My girlfriend is a beautiful woman; she is curvy.

Was company right to fire curvy woman?

no that would be descrimination

Is a curvy woman described as hot?

Depends on your definition of hot.

Are black men attracted to curvy women more then white men?

that's not the question the question is who doesn't like curvy woman

How do you say beautiful woman in spanish?

That would translate over to: "Mujer hermosa"

What is the fittest body a woman and a man can get?

muscle for men and curvy for women pworr with being a guy i love the toned curvy women they are the fittest' sexist and hottest women on the planet ever no other woman can touch them muscle women Bah no way but curvy pworr.

How do you translate 'broad street' into Spanish?

buy a spanish dictionary or use 'google translate'