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You take it to a dentist.

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Q: How do you treat an abscess on side of molar tooth?
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Your molar tooth has an abscess and it should be extracted because on that side your wisdom tooth is pushing beside the abscessed tooth Is an implant or bridge better?

You can only put a bridge on if there is a tooth on each side to support it. Therefore, a bridge cannot replace a wisdom tooth, because it's the last one on the dental arch. If you keep your wisdom tooth and you need to extract the molar right before, then you can replace that molar with a bridge. In any other case, an implant would be a better treatment. Thornhill Dentist

Swelling from a molder tooth being pulled?

Swelling from a molar tooth being pulled is normal. Take the medication that was prescribed to you and do not chew on that side of your mouth until it is healed.

Your boer goat has a perfectly round hairless lump on the side of her head what could it be?

A grass seed abscess or a cheesy gland abscess.

Could a hole in the tooth on the right side cause severe headaches on that side?

Depends on the size of the hole and which tooth. If it is an upper molar, the roots could be within the sinus cavity. And when there is sinus pressure present, it could cause headaches on the same side. Also, if the hole on the tooth is large enough, air, hot and cold stimuli and food could set the nerve off, triggering a headache. You should see your dentist for futher x-rays and examination.

Large bump in my gum between the second last molar and the tooth before it. It is painful when I push on it. I have had my wisdom teeth pulled out. Does anyone know what it is?

Depending on the circumstances for the wisdom teeth (reason for removal, location of the teeth prior to extraction, age of the patient when removed) could mean different things for the concern you are having. Recent extraction could sometimes have "bone spurs" working their way out almost causing a sliver in your finger effect. If the wisdom tooth was impacted and deteriated the bone behind the second molar, the bone "defect" could be present causing an area to possibly abscess around the back side or distal of the second molar. Sometimes the most logical explanation is that a popcorn hull or something foreign gets in the gum tissue behind the second molar causing an inflammatory response in the tissue. Recommend keeping the area clean, if a problem persists and it get more painful, see your dentist for a x-ray and evaluation.

What causes the swelling of one side of cat's mouth?

It is probably from a bad tooth. Or it could be an abscess, especially if your cat goes outside and got bit or in a fight with another cat (or wild animal). Most likely is from an infected tooth though, you should take him to a Veterinarian to be checked out, because whatever the cause, he is probably in discomfort.

What are the side effects of trimetazidine?

abscess, disseminated intravascular coagulation, dysphonia.

Could a tooth extraction affect your eardrum even a week after the extraction?

If you had a lower molar or wisdom tooth removed you can experience radiating pain to the ear on that particular side. If the pain is severe it can signal the beginning of an infection or what is referred to as a dry socket. You should go see your dentist or oral surgeon.

What should you do if you have a cracked wisdom with the outer side gone and recently has been giving you a great amount of pain?

If it's a wisdom tooth it needs to be removed. But it could be another molar; it's easy to confuse them. If it's another molar, it needs to be looked at to see if it can be saved and how. Either way, you need to see a dentist.

Of or pertaining to the pointed tooth on each side of the insicors?

Canine tooth

Where is the buckle area of a tooth?

It's spelled BUCCAL and it's the cheek side of the tooth as opposed to the lingual or tongue side.

Are there any mental side effects from staph?

No. Staph is just an infection of the skin that lives in your blood. You will typically get an abscess that is red, swollen and painful. Pus draining from this abscess is common. Other side effects include a fever, low blood pressure, and the chills.