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The year 1905 was an annus mirabilis for Einstein, who in that year produced more important results in physics than most physicists will produce in a lifetime.

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Related questions

When was Annus Mirabilis papers created?

Annus Mirabilis papers was created in 1905.

What is an annus mirabilis?

An annus mirabilis is a given year which undergoes a multitude of significant and fateful events.

What is annus miribilis?

annus mirabilis - wonderful year

What is bad year in Latin?

Horrible year in Latin is Annus horribilis.Though annus mirabilis is a traditional term, annus horribilis is of relatively recent use.

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What year the scientist of his time referein to Einstein's annus mirabilis?

The scientist of his time referred to Einstein's annus mirabilis in 1905, when he published four groundbreaking papers in the field of theoretical physics that revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and energy.

What was the day that Isaac Newton discovered gravity?

it was sometime in 1664-1666... during his Annus Mirabilis

In Drydens Annus Mirabilis who was Carthage?

In the poem he mentions the parallel between the 1666 English war with the Dutch and that between Rome and Carthage.

Why was Einsteins life described as annus mirabilis?

Albert Einstein had problems with his family and there issues the way he dealt with it mad his life hard

How did Charles ii thank john dryden for his poem annus mirabilis?

Charles II thanked John Dryden for his poem "Annus Mirabilis" by awarding him a pension and naming him Historiographer Royal. This showed the king's appreciation for Dryden's work and provided him with financial support.

How old was einstine when he developped the formula of relativity?

Einstein was born in 1879 and published his Annus Mirabilis papers -- including special relativity -- in 1905.

What is latin for the word years?

Years = Anni