

How do you use fractions if your a baker?

Updated: 10/1/2022
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13y ago

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the same way you would use them if you were not a baker

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Q: How do you use fractions if your a baker?
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What problems can be solved using gcf and LCM?

Finding the LCM will make adding and subtracting fractions easier.

When we use hcf in real life?

When we simplify fractions.

What do you use greatest common factor for?

To reduce fractions

Do you use the Least Common Multiple when subtracting fractions?


When do you need to use the greatest common factor?

When you need to reduce fractions.

Related questions

Does a baker need to convert fractions to decimals?


How many jobs use fractions?

There are 137 jobs that use fractions.

Why do you use fractions in your teaching and learning of fraction?

It would be very difficult to teach and learn fractions if you did not use fractions!

How would you use fractions in nursing?

you can use fractions in nursing in when you weigh someone

How can you use models to multiply fractions?

No, you cannot use models to multiply fractions!!

What ingredients a baker use?

eggs and dough thats what a baker might use

Examples of fractions used in everyday life?

We use fractions in the grocery we use fractions in the grocery shops like half a dozen

How do teachers use fractions?

Teachers teach fractions to their students.

How you use the algorithm when multiplying fractions by fractions?

step by step

When do you use fractions?

We use fractions when measuring at times such as when you're cooking or baking, and seeing how tall you are. :)

When do people use fractions?

People use fractions when there is slightly more or less than a whole

When can you use common multiples and factors?

Use the LCM when you are adding and subtracting unlike fractions. Use the GCF when you are simplifying fractions.