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A jet stream of water shot out of the hose.

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Pilots often use the jet stream to save time and fuel by flying with the strong tailwinds.

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Q: How do you use jet stream in a sentence?
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How do you Use the word jet stream in a sentence?

The small aircraft was really jolted when it entered the jet stream.

Sentence with jet stream?

Jet stream is, essentially, high level winds. An example sentence would be: The jet stream was quite concerning to everyone at the station.

Use jet stream weather and wind in a sentence?

The jet stream regularly affects high altitude wind and low altitude weather.

How would you use jet stream in a sentence for science?

The jet stream affects the weather patterns that give certain regions their own distinct meteorological identities.

What is an example of a sentence using the words jet stream?

A jet stream of water splashed rapidly in my face.

What is jet use the jet stream?

the wind pushes anything in its path

Why do planes use the jet stream?

Planes use the jet stream because it is a high-altitude, strong air current that can significantly increase their speed and efficiency when flying in the same direction as the jet stream. By riding the jet stream, planes can save fuel and reduce travel time.

How do you use stream as a verb in a sentence?


What determines how far south the the cold air from the north pole travels?

The jet stream

What is a sentence using the word jet stream?

The jet stream is a narrow, fast-flowing air current located high in the atmosphere that can influence weather patterns and affect the speed and efficiency of flight travel.

Which is stronger polar jet stream or subtropical jet stream?

The polar jet stream is generally stronger and faster-moving than the subtropical jet stream. The polar jet stream forms at higher latitudes and is located closer to the poles, while the subtropical jet stream is located at lower latitudes. The polar jet stream is associated with larger temperature contrasts and stronger pressure gradients, resulting in stronger winds compared to the subtropical jet stream.

What is the difference between a continental jet stream and a polar jet stream?

A continental jet-stream travels parallel to the equator - a polar jet-stream travels in a north/south direction.