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It is not a good idea to control animals by poisoning them. For a start it is a cruel method of control (the racoon will die in pain) and you must then think about what may come and eat the body of a poisoned raccoon after it dies. This animal too will become poisoned and die and so with anything that then eats that animal's carcass.

If your raccoon problem is bad then get a qualified/authorised pest control company to deal with the problem.

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Why would a person want to kill a raccoon? If raccoons have become pests, you need to remove what ever is attracting them. Make sure trash bins are secured, do not leave pet food outdoors, etc. If the area is enclosed and the weather is not severe, leave a large dog outside at night (along with a shelter, of course).

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Q: How do you use rat poison to kill raccoons?
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How long does rat poison take to kill rat?

The time it takes for rat poison to kill a rat can vary depending on the type of poison used. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for the poison to have its lethal effect on the rat. It's important to follow the instructions on the rat poison product carefully to ensure effective and safe use.

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Will rat poison kill a raccoon?

Yes it will, and for all you over the top nature lovers, it is the most humane way to end the life a a wild animal, by poisoning, anyways. Raccoons are not the precious little cute and cuddly animals people see on animal planet, in fact just like many wild animals raccoons are highly aggressive, they are the American version of the Tasmanian devil from Tasmania, raccoons will attack anyone, any exterminator that has had experience with the critters will tell you that only professionals should handle these creatures or experie-(my word i have gotten off subject)yes rat poison will kill a raccoon as it will any other animal(might want to watch out for any other curious creatures) with enough dosage it can even kill a human, so if a raccoon ingests the whole block it will most certainly die(aside from Natural selection) Yes, I'm a Nature Lover and will tell you that raccoons are not aggressive unless they are hungry > so, if you find an aggressive one, do as I do , FEED HIM! They DO NOT ATTACK anyone! As for rat poison, don't use it but instead use a good snap trap that is quick and no suffering is involved. A poisoned rat suffers for a long time and any animal that eats a poisoned rat will also suffer.

What causes fish to die when rat poison is use?

Rat poison makes blood stop clotting and stop working.

Does rat poison contain arsenic?

Some rat poisons do contain arsenic, but not all of them. There are different types of rat poisons that use various active ingredients to kill rats, including anticoagulants and other chemicals. It is important to read the label and instructions on the rat poison product to know what ingredients it contains.

How much warfarin is in rat poison?

A very small amount can kill.If you have a problem with a smaller amount rats then please use a more humane way - it doesnt kill- and use a special rat trap that lets stuff in but not out!

Does rat poison kill plants?

It all depends on what kind of rat poison you actually use. Some poisons are designed to be plant friendly etc. Also, liquid poisons can seep into soil and destroy root systems so try to use solid rat pellets. Happy Killing!

What part of the raccoon's body do they kill their prey with?

Raccoons use their sharp teeth and claws to kill prey.

How do you kill ludicolo?

Use flying, poison or a bug type Pokemon to kill her/him.

Why do farmers use poison on their farm?

To kill bugs.

What brand of rat poison kills fastest?

I use the brand Rataway. It usually kills them fast.

What poisonous element is used in rat poison and medicines?

Several. Arsenic was once used as a rat poison and also has use in medicine (bone marrow disorders as an example. Thallium was once used as a rat poison and was once used to treat Syphillis Barium used to be used in rat poison and is used in medicine (barium meal) for some types of scan. Mostly these days however it is a compound that applies to both rather than an element - that being Warfarin.