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Q: How do you use string operators in qbasic?
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What are the different types of operators in QBASIC?

The different types of operators in QBASIC are:Arithmetic OperatorsRelational OperatorsLogical Operators

How do you print kamal kama kam ka k this pattern in qbasic?

Cls Dim n as string Dim b as string b="Kamal" For a=5 to 1 step -1 n=left$(b, a) Print n Next a End

Operators in string?

Yes, a string can contain operator symbols, eg: const char *s= "+*-/";

How do you use MID function in qbasic?

...QBASIC program code... name$="Jack" startCharPos%=2 howManyChars%=2 PRINT MID$(name$,startCharPos%,howManyChars%) ...output... ac EXPLANATION The MID$() function allows you to select characters from out of a string. In the above case the string is,... name$="Jack" ...where... J= string position 1 a= string position 2 c= string position 3 k= string position 4 ...thus, if we select MID$(name$,2,2)... ...this code is actually from the name...the character which begins at position 2 = a/and, extract 2 characters going along from there... = ac.

What is the smallest numeral that you can form using all the 10 digits?

It depends on what is meant by "using" - in a string or with operators; and are leading zeros allowed? The smallest positive string, with no leading zeros, is 1023456789. If a leading zero is permitted, then it is 0123456789. Once you allow operators, it depends on which operators, and the question becomes extremely complex.

How to sort the sum of numbers in qbasic?

You use the relevant formula.

What should you know before start with visual basic language?

My answer to this question would be go and learn QBASIC programming language, first; as it is the 'base' language which underlies most Microsoft BASIC related programming languages, including:- Visual BASIC VBScript/Visual BASIC Script VBA/Visual BASIC for Applications VB.NET/Visual BASIC.NET -etc. QBASIC, however, doesn't use objects to do programming these other languages do; and, I personally do believe this fact makes it quicker, simpler, far more straight forwards, and, easier to learn. Then, once you've already learned the QBASIC programming fundamentals, such as:- String literals/Numeric literals Variables: String, Numeric: integer/Single/Double Variable scope: Global/Local Loops: Do/Loop, For/Next If/Then/Elseif/Else/End if Select Case/End Select Logical operators/Relational Operators/Mathematical Operators Sub/End Sub,Function/End Function Filing: Serial/Binary Graphics; Text based/Drawing based/Screenmodes/Colors Sounds -etc. Then, you can consider expanding your knowledge by moving on to go study more advanced programming languages; like those already mentioned up above. Of course, it is possible to go and learn Visual BASIC without having to go learn QBASIC, first; indeed, many VB programmers have succeeding in doing things exactly that way. But, having learned QBASIC, first, myself; and, then, next, moved on to go learn Visual BASIC; I can honestly say that QBASIC certainly paved my way...thus, making learning VB feel like being a total BREEZE...! When I look back, I realise that if I had not gone and learned QBASIC, first; then, I might have had a really difficult time with struggling to go learn VB, afterwards.

What is the answer to 5k 7 3k?

5k 7 3k is a string of terms: it is not an equation (or inequality) and so cannot have an answer. It is not even an expression since there are no operators between the three terms.5k 7 3k is a string of terms: it is not an equation (or inequality) and so cannot have an answer. It is not even an expression since there are no operators between the three terms.5k 7 3k is a string of terms: it is not an equation (or inequality) and so cannot have an answer. It is not even an expression since there are no operators between the three terms.5k 7 3k is a string of terms: it is not an equation (or inequality) and so cannot have an answer. It is not even an expression since there are no operators between the three terms.

What extension would a file saved in Qbasic have?

the extensions of qbasic are that, there are only 80 pixels to write in the qbasic

How do you download QBasic?

In order to Download Qbasic you may do one, both or none of these two things: 1.) Go to "" and click download or 2.) use "" with the keywords Qbasic free download to find another website with a free qbasic downlaod.

What is the function key to execute Qbasic program?

QBASIC operators are listed as follows.../along with some example QBASIC code... ->LOGICAL OPERATORS AND OR NOT EXAMPLE QBASIC CODE:- A=1 B=1 IF (A AND B) THEN PRINT "Result: True" ELSE PRINT "Result: False" ...output... Result: True A=1 B=2 IF (A AND B) THEN PRINT "Result: True" ELSE PRINT "Result: False" ...output... Result: False -> MATHEMATICAL OPERATORS + plus - minus * multiply / divide MOD division remainder ^ raise to the power EXAMPLE QBASIC CODE:- num1=4 num2=2 PRINT num1 + num2 PRINT num1 - num2 PRINT num1 * num2 PRINT num1 / num2 PRINT num1 MOD num2 PRINT num1 ^ num2 ...output... 6 2 8 2 0 16 -> COMPARISON OPERATORS = equals > greater than < lesser than >= greater than/or, equals <= lesser than/or, equals <> not EXAMPLE QBASIC CODE:- num1 = 6 num2 = 8 IF num1 = num2 THEN PRINT "Equal to" IF num1 > num2 THEN PRINT "Greater than" IF num1 < num2 THEN PRINT "Lesser than" IF num1 >= num2 THEN PRINT "Greater than/or, equal to" IF num1 <= num2 THEN PRINT "Lesser than/or, equal to" IF num1 <> num2 THEN PRINT "NOT equal" ...output... Lesser than Lesser than/or, equal to NOT equal

Why are rem statements important in qbasic programming?

qbasic is important because its technology